Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Critical Analysis of Album Digipak 1

Rhianna's fifth studio album "Loud" was released in 2010 continuing her fame as an RnB artist. I have chosen to analyse this digipak to investigate how sucessful the promotion package of a digipak has to be for a successful artist like Rhianna.  A close up image of the artist has been used on the CD cover as a main promoting device, it makes the Rhianna's new album identifiable anywhere to the audience. The close up image is almost made almost iconic of her musical career. The image promotes the colour red through her hair and lips connoting a theme of love. The colour red also promotes a warm tone which again reflects the theme of relationships and happiness. The bold iconic features of the CD cover are loud and eye catching, representing the artists fame and popularity.
On the main album cover the close up shot of the artist does well to promote her facial expressions and overall look to the audience. The artist having her eyes closed in the image could suggest despair and upsetness adding to the connotations about love and possible heartbreak. The name of the artist and album has been placed at the top and bottom of the page in a simple white font face. It could be argued this has contrasting connotations of quietness however as Rhianna is a global musical talent she is instantly recognisable therefore doesnt need her name largely printed on the cover. She is already has an established market in the music industry.
A very similar image has been placed onto the album cover with 3 pannels showing the continuity of the theme and the narrative following her songs. The mise-en-scene has been continued throughout the digipak constantly reinforcing the theme of love and heartbreak. For example the use of the roses included in the shot are the ultimate symbolism of love. Also the artist is wearing a simple white dress in the medium shot connoting her purity and naevity. This directely relates to the majority of the included songs on the digipak which have relevance to heartbreak. The pose of the artist in this 3 pannel image again promotes the feelings she portrays in the main album cover; depressed and lonely. Again the face of the artist is unrecognisable to the audience however her fame in the industrty combined with her individual look (red hair) make her easily identifiable.

Finally the CD itself simply includes an image of a singular rose, but with focus on the colour pink. It must be noted that pink connotes more of a romance and love than the colour red which emphasises the passion and heartbreak. This colour may have been specifially chosen for this reason all the songs are relevant to love and only few involve the concept of heartbreak. I really like the simple technique used on this CD image and may possibly use the same effect.

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